Royal mottos of Swedish monarchs

The Royal motto or Valspråk (lit. Choice of saying) of the Swedish monarch is a Swedish royal tradition stemming from the early 16th century. All regents of Sweden, beginning with Gustav Vasa, have had their own motto during their respective periods of reign. The Swedish royal motto is in many ways equivalent to a national motto. The tradition among Swedish regents is different to that of some other monarchies in that the motto is not the same for one dynasty, but is personal to the monarch. Historically the royal motto has been used in connection with the Swedish coat of arms, and today can be seen printed on the 1 krona coin.

Gustav III was the first king to have his motto only in Swedish. Up until Adolf Frederick, the motto for every regent had been in Latin and Swedish (or, as in the case of Gustav II Adolf, in German). Due to the dissolution of the union between Norway and Sweden in 1905, Oscar II had to change his motto.

Royal mottos
Regent Reign Royal motto (in Swedish) English translation

House of Vasa

Gustav Vasa 1521-1560 All makt är av Gud All power is of God
Erik XIV 1560-1568 Gud giver åt vem Han vill God gives to whom He wishes
Johan III 1568-1592 Gud vår beskyddare God our protector
Sigismund 1592-1599 För rätten och folket For the justice and the people
Karl IX 1599-1611 Gud min tröst God my comfort
Gustav II Adolf 1611-1632 Med Gud och segrande vapen With God and victorious arms
Kristina 1632-1654 Visheten är rikets stöd Wisdom is the realm's support

House of Palatinate-Zweibrücken (Pfalz) - cadet branch of the House of Wittelsbach

Karl X Gustav 1654-1660 I Gud mitt öde - Han skall göra det In God my destiny - He will do it
Karl XI 1660-1697 Herren är vorden min beskyddare The Lord is become my protector
Karl XII 1697-1718 Med Guds hjälp With the help of God
Ulrika Eleonora 1719-1720 I Gud mitt hopp In God my hope

House of Hesse

Fredrik I 1720-1751 I Gud mitt hopp In God my hope

House of Holstein-Gottorp - cadet branch of the House of Oldenburg

Adolf Fredrik 1751-1771 Statens välfärd, min välfärd The welfare of the state, my welfare
Gustav III 1771-1792 Fäderneslandet The fatherland
Gustav IV Adolf 1792-1809 Gud och folket God and the people
Karl XIII 1809-1818 Folkets väl min högsta lag The welfare of the people my highest law [1]

House of Bernadotte

Karl XIV Johan 1818-1844 Folkets kärlek min belöning The love of the people my reward
Oscar I 1844-1859 Rätt och sanning Right and truth
Karl XV 1859-1872 Land skall med lag byggas By law the land shall be built
Oscar II 1872-1905 Brödrafolkens väl The welfare of the brother peoples
1905-1907 Sveriges väl The welfare of Sweden
Gustaf V 1907-1950 Med folket för fosterlandet With the people for the Fatherland
Gustaf VI Adolf 1950-1973 Plikten framför allt Duty above all
Carl XVI Gustaf 1973-present För Sverige i tiden For Sweden – With the Times

See also


  1. ^ Compare with the motto of the U.S. state of Missouri (1821): "Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law". Originally from Cicero's De Legibus, Book III, Part III, Sub. VIII.